API Explorer

JustJSON is a free, simple tool that lets developers quickly create, store, and manage JSON collections. Add, retrieve, and delete data with ease—perfect for testing, JSON placeholder, or mocking data for your apps. No sign-up required—just start using it right away!
POST /api/collections/
Create a new collection
POST /api/collections/{collection_id}/entries
Add a JSON entry to a collection

                        	     id: String,
                                 data: JSON
GET /api/collections/{collection_id}/entry/{entry_id}
Retrieve a specific JSON entry from a collection
GET /api/collections/{collection_id}/
Retrieve all JSON entries from a collection
DELETE /api/collections/{collection_id}/entry/{entry_id}
Delete a specific JSON entry from a collection
DELETE /api/collections/{collection_id}/
Delete all JSON entries from a collection